The S.S. Prince Edward Island
Harry Holman writes about the life and death of the S.S. Prince Edward Island:As a child I was always delighted when we caught the Prince Edward Island as it was a much more interesting ship to...
View ArticleEnclave vs. Exclave
Attached to the Guardian story Russia warns of nuclear weapons in Baltic if Sweden and Finland join Nato, the paper posted a correction:This article was amended on 15 April 2022 to better characterise...
View ArticleCleaning Between the Oven Door Glass
This video from GE demonstrates their official guidance on how to clean the between layers of oven door glass. My oven has had versions drips and droops behind the outside glass for a long time, and...
View ArticleCleaning Inside the Oven Door
With my success burrowing between the layers of glass that make up the oven door yesterday, tonight I set to clean the true grimy inside-facing glass.I wanted to avoid noxious chemicals, so I opted for...
View ArticleMasked
Back in mid-early COVID, when Receiver Coffee had reopened in Victoria Row, young Joel turned me on to face-masks from Medium Rare. I bought one. I’ve been wearing their masks ever since, replacing...
View Article“Let’s move slowly, quickly”
Michelle Thorne on digital rights and climate justice:The UN Secretary General just said in a tweet: We have 36 weeks—not 36 years, not 36 months—but 36 weeks, to dramatically reduce emissions from the...
View ArticleThelma and Harold
Thelma writes a loving elegy for her father on what would have been his 100th birthday. Thelma PhillipsHistoryHarold PhillipsWest Prince
View ArticlePeople have different brains
Mental illness, attention deficit disorder, and suffering, from Mark Dominus:I understand that for some people it really is a disorder, that they have no desire to justify or celebrate or honor their...
View ArticleNight Ride Home
Cycling home on a crisp May night.I’ve just left improv class where, among other things, I created the character of Roberta, an aging skateboarder with six children named Doug and an inadequate grasp...
View ArticleEyes Up, Heels Down
Three of our motley crew went riding at Venture Stables yesterday. (Young) L’s friend S. came out with us and took photos, including this one, admittedly a little blurry, of me and Jack. She happens to...
View ArticleComing Out Day
It was a year ago today that my darling Olivia came out as a trans-woman. I am so proud of her for boldly finding her way to her true self. Over the last year she has continued to explore the nooks and...
View ArticleKerning Emergency
Little Black Dress is a delightful and progressive clothing store, and has newly opened a shop in Charlottetown on Great George Street. Please go and shop there.The only fly in the ointment is their...
View ArticleG'Ma Circle of Charlottetown Fabric and Yarn Plus Sale
This Saturday, May 14th, 2022 the G’Ma Circle of Charlottetown Fabric and Yarn Plus Sale will be held at Spring Park United Church Hall, 65 Kirkwood Drive from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.Fabric, yarn,...
View ArticleEarly Tulips
The tulips in the front garden at 100 Prince Street are earlier this year. And they are stunning.Tulips
View ArticlePlurality
From James’ Coffee Blog:I am intrigued by the IndieWeb’s approach to plurality and building technologies that don’t serve the creation of monocultures or single ways of thinking about things. IndieWeb...
View ArticleGrief and Distraction
Sarah Kennedy writes about grief and distraction for Film Stories:Grief makes you more vulnerable and that’s frightening, but in that there’s a strength; something I couldn’t even begin to comprehend a...
View ArticleBreakfast Out
I’ve been getting up at 5:45 a.m. this week, something an earlier me would have thought fantastical. Olivia’s self-contained in the mornings now, so my urge with the blank canvas of the morning...
View ArticleBruce and Olivia
Olivia was insistent that we go out to the tea in New Glasgow yesterday held to celebrate our friends Bruce and Shirley passing the PEI Preserve Company on to a new family to steward.I was...
View ArticleAppropriating an ashtray as a bicycle rack
The Holman Grand doesn’t have bicycle parking, but it does have an ashtray. Cycling
View ArticleInception
Turning an iPhone on its side and taking a panoramic photo up-down sometimes produces interesting results. Like this Inception-like photo of dusk on Prince Street. PhotosiPhonePanorama
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