My favourite gift from my trip to Ukraine last month is this Ukrainian alphabet stencil, a present from my cousin Victoria: Here’s my name, in capital letters, rendered in Ukrainian (ПИТЕР) with the...
View ArticlePrince Edward Island School Calendar, 2012-2013
Once again this year I’ve taken the official Prince Edward Island School Calendar and created a set of public calendar files to make it easier for parents and others to shunt the information around...
View ArticleHow to find the International Space Station above Charlottetown
I got a chance, in clear skies, to see the International Space Station whiz over Charlottetown last night — it was only in the sky for 6 minutes, starting at 10:04 p.m. — and, despite the fact that...
View ArticleMas felicidad y calidad de vida...
From the Mexican Instituto de Políticas para el Transporte y el Desarrollo (Policy Institute for Transportation and Development), a video about the costs of car usage (in Spanish with English...
View ArticleDan Misener's Kickback Machine
In truest “if you have a problem, then build a solution and share it with others because they probably have the same problem” spirit, international gadabout Dan Misener today released The Kickback...
View ArticleCourage to change the things I can...
Regular readers may recall my report of a visit to Dave’s Service Centre to fix a power steering leak in my 2000 VW Jetta last December. Well, last Saturday the same car sprung a leak in a different...
View ArticlePublic Space should be Public
Tonight marks the second of a three-date takeover of Richmond Street in Charlottetown by a concert series called “Rock the Row.” Which means that if you walk from my house to my office you are greeted...
View ArticleTrudeau Stories at Victoria Playhouse
Oliver and I drove out to Victoria-by-the-Sea for our annual summertime “lunch at the Landmark Café, dessert at Island Chocolates” excursion — we are such creatures of habit that we happened to pick...
View ArticleType in the Open
Catherine has been busy for the last month — actually, it’s been two months — preparing for her contribution to Art in the Open on August 25th: you can’t take a step around our house these days without...
View Article(More) Type in the Open
I’m going a little wild today with the animated metal type. Show on my iPod Touch with iMotion HD (tripping the shutter from my iPad using the companion remote app). Type is Akzidenz Grotesk, purchased...
View ArticleOne if by land and two if by sea
Oliver and I happened to be walking by the ticket booth for the Peake’s Wharf Boat Tours last night last as the 8:00 p.m. sunset cruise was set to depart. And so what started off as our regular...
View ArticleMinecraft for Architects
Architecture Week is coming up here on Prince Edward Island again in October — you may recall coverage here and blow-by-blow from last year — and I’ve been thinking about ways in which architects...
View ArticlePEI Jazz and Blues Festival
It took me eight years to make it inside a performance at the PEI Jazz and Blues Festival. The delay was a combination of some misplaced misgivings about what “jazz and blues” music entails and a...
View ArticleNikki Schieck Redeems the Sax
Since the middle ages bass clarinet and saxophone players have traditionally been the Hatfields and the McCoys of the horn section*. As a bass clarinet player, I was always on the other side of this...
View ArticleCarmen Townsend on Victoria Row
On our way home from the letterpress studio last night Oliver and I happened upon Cape Breton music phenomenon Carmen Townsend playing live at the far end of Victoria Row. While Victoria Row has never...
View ArticleTo Rome with Love
Everything I need to say about the new Woody Allen film To Rome with Love was better said in 1940 by type designer Frederic Goudy in his book Typologia: To Rome with Love is a collection of interesting...
View ArticleTim Chaisson Acoustic
A lovely acoustic from Tim Chaisson. If they ever make a docudrama about my life, please arrange to have Tim compose the soundtrack. Also, if I am to be reincarnated, please give me a small smidgen of...
View ArticleCharlottetown Street Numbers
I’ve been running a little side-project this week, working to add street numbers to the OpenStreetMap of Charlottetown. I’ve been using the excellent little Windows Phone app MapStalt Mini (from...
View ArticleComing to #TypeInTheOpen?
A reminder that I’m opening my letterpress studio in downtown Charlottetown at The Guild tomorrow night, August 25, 2012 from 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. You’re welcome to drop down any time during those...
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